• Company Background
  • Companies We Have Served
  • Recognition & Awards
  • Quest Team Instructors
  • Leonard Given
  • Tim Pratt
  • Gianni Leonarduzzi
  • Mark Merrill
  • May Su
  • Team Members Emeritus
  • Ken Gavin
  • Shigeto Ohmine
  • Martin Hammond, Ph.D.
  • John Housley
  • Joyce Jensch
  • Rick LaFrance
  • Charles Smith
  • Joe Verderber
  • Kevin Wilson
  • John Dunn
  • Cherles Smith passed away in April, 2021. Chuck was a good friend, a significant contributor to our company, and a guiding light to the growth of the semiconductor equipment and materials industry. He was instrumental in the skills and knowledge enhancement of thousands of sales and marketing professionals in the United States, Europe and Asia.

    Charles Smith

    Charles, a member of The Quest Team and Principal of Action Pro Tem, is an international business consultant serving both the semiconductor and PCB equipment and materials industries. For over nearly 20 years he has been presenting workshops and seminars on high-tech marketing and sales. Further, he assists technology businesses establish successful distribution arrangements and resolve other marketing, sales and management related problems, domestically and internationally.

    With more than 30 years experience in high technology, Charles has been Vice President of Sales and Service and Vice President of Product Marketing for Applied Materials, Vice President of Marketing and Sales for Tylan Corporation and General Manager of Gyrex Corporation. Most recently he was Vice President of Sales for High Yield Technology.

    He has founded and/or participated in several start-up companies including Auto/Recognition Systems of which he was President and CEO. He has experience on both the materials and equipment sides of marketing to the semiconductor industry. He is a former member of the boards of directors of several high technology companies. He was the founding chairman of the Sales/Marketing Executive Council for SEMI (SMECS) and received the WALTER C. BENZING AWARD for his involvement in the creation and presentation of SEMI's "Fundamentals of Product Marketing" course. Along with two other Quest Team members, he was co-creator of three other SEMI co-sponsored sales training programs.

    A former Air Force intelligence officer, he holds degrees in business and chemical engineering from Ohio Wesleyan and Ohio State Universities. He is a former member of the Institution of Managerial Consultants (IMC) and the National Association of Science Writers (NASW).

    Articles by

    Aggressive Supply-Chain Management and the Complex Sale

    A Current Look at Positioning

    EFFECTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS - vital foundation for long term success - Part 1 of 3

    EFFECTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS - vital foundation for long term success - Part 2 of 3

    EFFECTIVE BUSINESS RELATIONSHIPS - vital foundation for long term success - Part 3 of 3

    Forecasting Discipline - An Essential Talent for the Sales Professional

    Global Account Management: Strategic Selling Tool for the 21st Century

    The Value Proposition: Basis for Value Selling
