If you need assistance in any area of marketing, sales or account team development, there is a good chance we can help.
The Quest Team coaches bring over 200 cumulative years of experience in high technology industries. With much of that time spent as senior executives, our team offers a breadth of knowledge that cannot be found elsewhere.
We are prepared to help you over the hurdles. If you are in need of interim or one-time assistance in the areas of marketing, sales or account team development, there is a good chance we can help.
The Quest Team consultants have expertise in these disciplines:
- Competitive Profiles
- Feature-Benefit Analysis
- Value Propositions
- New Product Definition
- Market Requirement Documentation
- Market Segmentation
- International Marketing
- Marketing Communications
- Brand Strategies
- Market Positioning
- Product Launches
- Product Profitability Maintenance
- Strategic Marketing
- Domestic Distribution
- International Distribution
- International Sales
- Mentoring
- Profiling Exceptional Salespeople
- Sales Planning
- Strategic Account Management
- Value Selling
- Combating PICOS (price reductions)
- Account Support Team Development
- Negotiation