Other than market share and gross margin, what metrics are good for marketing organizations?

  1. Sales revenue is one; we can't hide from that. But also customer satisfaction; it's a good metric as to how we are meeting the expectations of the customer. Most people think it is a measurement of customer support and it is, but if you do some basic research and quantify it, it is a pretty good metric of your communication plan, product plan, and whether they are really meeting the customer needs.
  2. In addition to these, if you have good market share and good margin they are pretty good indicators that things are coming together for you. Market share and gross margin are not just a snapshot in time. Your trend data is also important. Maybe your market share is 60%, but if it was 70% two years ago, what happened to it. If you use these two, plus revenue as your key guide you will be doing all the subsets that contribute to those successes. These are what others will measure you on.
  3. There is one more which is the level of surprises. Your job is to keep surprises from happening. Whether its an order that shows up out of the blue; an ordered option that is not available; a problem in product performance relative to application. Your job is to manage and eliminate surprises - not easy.